• Medications in Elementary Schools

      In most cases elementary school students are not allowed to carry medications with them. Medications are kept in the health room and administered by the school nurse or a staff member designated by the principal. The child's condition must necessitate that the medication be given during school hours.

      A written authorization and request from a parent is needed for all medications (Parent Request for Administration of Medication, form below). All medications must be in the original, current, properly labeled container with clear and legible instructions.

      Elementary students may not transport medications to and from school.

      A physician's signature is required on the Parent Request for Administration of Medication form for:

      • Over-the-counter medications given more than 5 consecutive school days.
      • Prescription medications where the label does not match the parent request or is missing required information.
      • Medication samples or off-label prescription requests.

      For medications to be given by the nurse at school the above minimum requirements must be met.

      The Parent Request for Administration of Medication by School Personnel (form below) is required for all controlled substances and any other medications to be given at school. 

      Emergency Medications for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students 

      The Texas Legislature has passed laws that allow students to carry and self-administer emergency medications, including asthma inhalers and epinephrine pens, while at school or school related functions with written documentation from parents and their physician. The self carry form is below.

      Alternative therapies, herbals, and supplements not approved or controlled by the FDA will not be administered by school personnel.

