Board of Trustees Goals
Board of Trustees Goals
January 2021 - December 2021
You can download a complete pdf file with details on the Board of Trustees Goals HERE.
Teaching and Learning
The Greenville ISD Board of Trustees will provide leadership to support continued improvement in academic achievement and accountability by adopting policies that support academic initiatives that lead to high levels of learning for all students and increased academic ratings for Greenville ISD.
Indicators of Success
• Board Members will attend relevant trainings to ensure that a knowledge base around best practices and 21st-Century learning is maintained and stay abreast of statewide district accountability systems.
• Board Members will approve policy that will support the implementation of a guaranteed viable curriculum and ensure that resources are available for students to have access to customized learning via technology.
• Board Members will allocate funding for resources, personnel, and/or professional development necessary to support increased student achievement.
• Board Members will support initiatives that will lead to increased student attendance/enrollment.
• Board Members will approve policy, allocate funding, that will lead to increased student exposure to varied and diverse experiences through extracurricular offering, schools and programs of choice, field trips and exploration activities for Greenville ISD students.
Human Resources
The Greenville ISD School Board will provide leadership and approve personnel policy that will ensure the recruitment, development, and retention of highly qualified and certified staff and the establishment of a 21st-Century Human Resources Management System.
Indicators of Success
• Board Members will set and approve a competitive salary structure that includes performance-based compensation where deemed necessary.
• Board Members will set policies concerning retention incentives.
• Board Members will receive and review yearly retention rates and exit interview reports.
• Board Members will allocate resources necessary to assist in recruitment activities. • Board Members will support the establishment of employee wellness/well-being programs.
• Board Members will model professional excellence and support initiatives designed to improve customer service and employee excellence.
• Board Members will approve policy and support the required increase in Professional Development and capacity building for employees.
Funding and Finance
The Greenville ISD Board of Trustees will provide financial and fiscal leadership by setting an appropriate tax rate and approving a balanced budget that will protect the current and future financial stability of Greenville ISD.
Indicators of Success
• Board Members will attend relevant trainings to ensure that a knowledge base around best practices and 21st-Century learning is maintained and stay abreast of statewide district accountability systems.
• Board Members will approve policy and support actions that will lead to increasing and maintaining the district’s FIRST rating.
• Board Members will receive, review, and approve monthly financial reports on all areas of the district.
• Board Members will set a fund balance target range of three months’ operating cost for the district.
• The Board Members will serve on the strategic financial plan to guide the district through anticipated future growth.
• The Board will oversee the 5-year strategic financial plan that is designed to optimize resources and maximize expenditures to ensure success at all individual student levels.
The Greenville ISD Board of Trustees will provide leadership to support the construction and maintenance of progressive and future-ready facilities for optimal student safety, academic achievement and the instillation of community pride for Greenville ISD.
Indicators of Success
• Board Members will ensure that policies are in place that will enhance the safety and security of our students, teachers, staff, and facilities.
• Board Members will serve on the strategic facilities plan committee to provide advisory input.
• The Board will oversee the 5-year strategic facilities plan.
• Board Members will approve policy and support the required and needed maintenance and upkeep of the district’s facilities.
• The School Board will ensure the development of an education specifications plan.
• Board Members will set and approve an annual budget that includes funds for facility improvements to include maintenance, enhanced educational spaces, and overall esthetics where deemed necessary.
The Greenville ISD Board of Trustees will provide leadership and serve as an ambassador to connect and partner with all stakeholders through a clear and engaging communication plan.
Indicators of Success
• Board Members will actively engage in sharing positive news about the district and take actions to continue to improve the school district’s image.
• Board Members will support and participate in efforts to increase partnerships with community stakeholders and improve parental engagement.
• Board Members will support and attend school events at a minimum of once per nineweeks, in addition to school board meetings, to maintain visibility within the community.
• Board Members will participate in employee and student recognition programs by ensuring monthly recognition at board meetings.