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Bilingual and ESL Programs

Mission Statement 

We will empower and prepare students, to become bilingual and bi-literate, and to reach their full academic potential.


Our bilingual students will excel academically, linguistically, and socially, accept challenges, and become successful forever learners.


  • Meet, succeed, or grow in all academic standards in both languages.

  • Develop oral and written proficiency in both languages.

  • Embrace and promote cross-cultural attitudes and perspectives.

GISD Mission Statement 

Dual Language

Greenville Independent School District prepares, inspires, and empowers students in a safe and nurturing environment to become responsible citizens who successfully compete in a global society. 

Servando Ortega

Director of Bilingual and ESL Programs

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Por favor, cambia el idioma de la página haciendo clic en el botón en la esquina inferior derecha de su pantalla.

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GISD Bilingual and ESL Programs