GISD Finance Policy & Procedures Manual
The Finance Department has developed an updated version of its policy and procedures manual in order to consistently and thoroughly monitor the District’s financial operations in regards to areas including; finance, purchasing, payroll, competitive bidding, accounting, activity funds, etc. This document provides in-depth, step-by-step procedures that are tied to applicable board policies and will aide in employees or departments interpretation of the appropriate procedures that should be followed in GISD. The manual will be made available at trainings offered at the beginning and throughout the school year and an electronic version can be found by following the link below.
GISD Finance Policy and Procedures Manual
2017-2018 Booster Clubs/Parent Organization
Effective January 1, 2006, any person or entity that contracts or seeks to contract with Greenville ISD for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services will be required to file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the District.
A copy of the form is included in Vendor RFP Packets available in the Finance Office, and completed forms are available for public inspection at Greenville ISD Administration Offices, 4004 Moulton Street, Greenville, Texas. For more information, call (903) 408-4419
Purchasing Information
All vendors must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to a purchase order being processed. If a requisition is made to an unapproved vendor, it will be denied.
If the vendor is a company wishing to do business with the district, the company must complete the Preferred Vendor RFP, be awarded a specific bid/proposal, or be a member of one of the purchasing cooperatives that GISD participates in.
If the vendor is for an employee (reimbursement), individual, hotel, conference, etc., contact the Finance Office with appropriate information consisting of name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address. The Finance Office verifies the information and will then add the vendor to the vendor master list.
NOTE: The list of vendors on the Skyward software system is a financial database of all expenditures made to vendors. This is not to be considered the current approved vendor list.
Purchasing Procedures
- Approval Process Using an RFP
- Sole Source Vendor
- Performance/Problems
- Vendor Award Criteria
- Vendor Communication
- Vendor Relations and Gifts
- Cooperative Purchasing
Approval Process Using an RFP
Sole Source Vendor
Vendor Award Criteria
Vendor Communication
Vendor Relations and Gifts
Cooperative Purchasing
Important Documents
CSP 24-002 GMS & LP Waters Portables, Travis Renovation, and GHS Boiler Replacement - Project Manual
CSP 24-002 GMS & LP Waters Portables, Travis Renovation, and GHS Boiler Replacement - Drawings
RFP #24-001 Exclusive District Beverage Services
RFQ #23-002 – Annual Financial Audit Services
RFQ #23-001 – External Board Legal Services
RFP #23-001 Kitchen Serving Counter
RFP #22-005 Consulting Services- Food service operations