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Head Lice

Head lice are a common nuisance among school aged children and can affect anyone at any time of year. It is spread by direct head to head contact and the sharing of personal items such as combs, brushes, hair accessories ,hats and jackets.

Greenville ISD follows recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP), The Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) to manage head lice in the school setting.

When a case of headlice is discovered in an elementary classroom a letter will be sent home to all families in that class so that parents may check their students at home for evidence of lice.

Contact your school nurse for assistance with head lice information and treatment. Please see helpful flyers below as well as view the video demonstrating how to identify lice and their eggs.

Exclusion and Readmission

Students  found to be symptomatic of lice infestation will be assesed by the school nurse/clinic personnel. For students found to have evidence of live lice infestation:

  • Exclude students at the end of the school day. Parents have the option to pick up their student before end of day to allow enough time for treatment.
  • Students must be free of live lice before readmission.
  • School nurse/clinic personnel will check studetns excluded for live lice upon return to school to determine effective treatment.
  • Instructions for the treatment of head lice are available from the school nurse.

YouTube Video

Lice Information-English

Lice Information-Spanish