Student Illness
Please help us promote a healthy learning environment for all students and staff by observing the following guidelines:
- Keep your contact and emergency information updated on Skyward.
- If your child has a fever of 100 or higher, vomiting or diarrhea illness they must stay home until symptom free for 24hours without medication.
- Students with a new unknown rash, red eyes or draining wound or sore will be required to see their physician and obtain a release before returning to school.
- All open wounds must be covered by a dressing and not be leaking outside the dressing and or clothing.
- After treatment with medication for 24hrs students with infections may return to school with a physician note.
- Following these basic guidelines will help prevent the spread of infectious conditions and improve attendance for all students.
- Please contact your campus nurse for more information regarding when to keep your student home from school.