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Join the Greenville ISD Family

We believe in hiring the very best people to work with our students and the many others who make up the GISD family. What makes us different? A team spirit, an appreciation for our history and culture, and an unwavering commitment to student achievement.

Greenville ISD seeks highly qualified staff for its certified and non-certified positions, based on relative academic or technical preparation, proper certification, experience, recommendations and references, evaluations, suitability for the position and the needs of the district. These criteria are not rank-ordered and may be considered in whole or in part when making such decisions. All applicants for employment must complete an online application. Information contained in the application will be verified. 

Professional Employees

Join the Greenville ISD family as a professional employee in a classroom or administration role.

Professional Application

Staff members smiling together

Auxiliary Employees

Join the Greenville ISD family as a part of our transportation, substitute, clerical, maintenance, grounds and custodial teams.

Auxiliary Application

Greenville Community

Small town feel & big city opportunities.

Located 53 miles from Dallas, Greenville is a gem that offers both a small-town feel and access to the excellent career opportunities and everything else the vibrant city has to offer. Greenville has a thriving downtown with a rich fine arts scene. The Dallas Symphony Orchestra performs three concerts a year, and there is a winery, farmers market and stunning architecture in several historic areas.

Explore the City of Greenville, TX

Greenville Chamber of Commerce 

GISD Voices

Here is what our employees have to say.

What made me want to be a teacher here in Greenville ISD is being able to give back to my community. Being able to give back to those who poured into me. I want to be able to pour into others, as well. Emely Ramirez, Fourth-grade bilingual teacher & GISD Graduate

My job is to find out what it is that motivates my students to reach their full creative potential. If the student trusts me, and feels safe enough in my room to take chances, make mistakes, then I have a foundation to teach content.Bill Shiflet, Art Teacher & GHS Teacher of the Year

"We drive education" is the motto we live by in Greenville ISD's Transportation Department. I like getting up early and getting those kids to school. It's great to see them grow up.John Ward, Bus driver beginning his 18th year in GISD

In its efforts to promote nondiscrimination, Greenville I.S.D. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.