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Substitute Information

Greenville ISD is Hiring Substitute Teachers

Thank you for your interest in substituting with Greenville ISD and becoming our Partner in Education. Whether you are a returning substitute or applying to substitute for the first time, we want your experience in Greenville to be a positive one for you, the students, and staff.

Steps to becoming a Substitute with Greenville ISD

Complete an online application here

Contact Ms. Deane Limon at with any questions.

Substitute Toolkit/Sub Pack

Greenville ISD (GISD) uses a variety of substitutes in order to maintain daily services for all of our facilities. Substitutes are a very important part of our educational system and play a significant role in delivering a continuous service in the absence of our regular staff members, including Teachers, Nurses, Paraeducators, and Administrative Assistants.

Below are tools you may use at any time!