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Transportation Department


3703 Templeton Street
Greenville, Texas 75401

Hours of Operation

Monday thru Friday
6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact us

Phone: (903) 457-2658
Fax: (903) 453-3241

Job Center

Want to be a driver?
Check out the GISD Job Center 

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to professionally transport students and authorized personnel to and from schools or other designated locations in a safe and orderly manner.

Meet Our Staff

Judy Calender

Titles: Transp Sec
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation

Kellie Jones

Titles: Transp Director
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation

Christian Lopez

Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation

Kendall Wagner

Titles: Transp Super
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation

Michael Wallace

Titles: Routing Clerk
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation

John Weatherbee

Titles: Transp Manager
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Transportation