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Starting a chain reaction of kindness for all ages




Rachel's Challenge transforms GISD campuses

Travis and Lamar Elementary students gathered Nov. 13 in the Lamar gym to hear the story of Rachel Scott, the first student to be killed during the Columbine High School shooting. In her writings, which were discovered after her death, she spelled out five challenges that she claimed would change lives.


These powerful challenges are to:

  1. Dream big and believe in yourself
  2. Be kind to others 
  3. Practice positive gossip (words matter)
  4. Show appreciation to those you love
  5. Be the answer (to people around you)

“We are excited about the chain reaction of kindness that will occur from our students hearing the powerful message of Rachel Scott,” said Lamar Elementary Principal Lucretia Newton.


Greenville ISD is committed to weaving kindness and compassion into its culture on every campus. The elementary assemblies and the formation of student clubs to keep the chain reaction going follow programs at Greenville High School and Greenville Middle School. Students from both those campuses spoke to the GISD school board Nov. 13, describing the powerful difference that was already occuring at their schools.

#chainreaction #rachelschallenge