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Let's celebrate May with 21 days of reading!

rrr pic   keyboard

Let’s end the school year strong by reading and creating your own stories in Rally Round Reading, powered by the Footsteps2Brilliance app!

To add a little fun, we’re providing fun prizes to our Top 10 readers. The contest will run from May 1-21. And the Top 10 readers will get a yard sign, a wristband, and a pizza (compliments of our friends at Peddler’s Pizza).

The Top 10 readers will be selected based on total interaction in the app May 1-21. 

So far for the month of May, students in grades Pre-K-third grade have read 4,043 books and logged in 330 hours

Please remember to log-in (access) the Rally Round Greenville F2B apps on May 21 in order to log any activity that occurred outside the city of Greenville.



What is Rally Round Reading?

It’s a mobile literacy program, powered by Footsteps2Brilliance, to promote early childhood literacy. GISD is providing this research-based, high quality, online reading program that offers both English and Spanish stories for ALL children in Greenville, ages birth to third grade. 

Who has access to the app?

The app is available to anyone in Greenville and can be downloaded through any wifi connection.

The app contains books and games that allow children to enjoy reading and writing. Greenville parents and community members can also download the app and join in the fun.

How do I get started?

View this video to learn more about Rally Round Reading or Follow the directions detailed HERE. The video is also posted in Spanish.

You can also print out this reading chart to keep track of your time.

