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Welcome Back from GISD Superintendent

Greenville ISD was proud to announce earlier this month thatall campuses and the district as a whole met all Texas Education Agency (TEA)accountability standards in the 2012-2013 school year. In addition, thedistrict earned six academic distinction designations.

 The district is very pleased with most of the recentlegislative changes.  These changes increase the educational choices forstudents.  They also allow districts more freedom to reform thetraditional learning experience into one that prepares students living andworking in a world that is fast paced, technology-driven and requiring aprofound mastery of digital tools.

In recent years, GreenvilleISD has initiated Product Oriented Education (POE), a project-based learningapproach to curriculum. The education model has resulted in thevertically-aligned robotics program, STEM academy, Solar Car team, DestinationImagination, Elementary Academic UIL successes and more.

Additionally, GISD partnerswith Paris Junior College to offer eighteen dual-credit courses.Electromechanical Technology, Computer Networking and Enhanced Nurse AidePrograms will be newly available this year.


Through these cooperativelearning opportunities, Greenville ISD has set the stage for accountabilitysuccess for years to come. The district looks forward to the 2013-2014 year andall the opportunities that await our students.
Don Jefferies, Greenville ISD Superintendent