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GHS senior awarded $8,000 scholarship from Texas Made

Daniel Pitts

Story by Communications Intern Bentley Love


Daniel Pitts is a senior at Greenville High School, and he is very involved in Greenville FFA and Solar Car. 

Most recently, Daniel competed at the Fort Worth Ag mechanics show, Texas Made, where he placed sixth out of 50 competitors. 

Daniel said all 50 competitors took a 50-question test, and they were given 30 seconds to answer each question.

The eight competitors with the highest score moved on to the interview round where they had to do an in-person interview. They talked about their project and what Ag Mechanics has done for them. 

Daniel said he didn’t have a chance to prepare for the interview, so his plan was to just go in there, put on a smile, tell them about his project and answer any questions they threw at him. 

“Ag mechanics has helped me stay focused on my grades.” Daniel said “ If I don’t pass my classes, I don’t get to show, and that helps keep me motivated.”  

Daniel said that at first, he thought only first place received a scholarship, and he was extremely excited when he found out that the top six received the $8,000 scholarship. 

GHS Ag Mechanics teacher Alex Xanthus says Daniel is an outstanding welding fabricator and scholastic student who manages his schoolwork and extracurricular activities very well.

“Daniel is very driven and talented,” Xanthus said. “I have no doubt that he will be very successful in anything he sets his mind to.”

After graduation, Daniel plans to attend Collin College Fire Academy in McKinney.