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You are invited to GISD Coffee Talk – May 20

Coffee Talk

The GISD School Board President Aletha Kruse and Superintendent Sharon Boothe would like an opportunity to connect with our community in an informal way.  We know that not everyone can attend School Board meetings, so in our continuing efforts to include our community in the goings on of the district, we would like to invite you to Saturday morning coffee talk with our School Board President and Superintendent.  Here are the details:

  • When: 10 a.m. Saturday, May 20
  • Where: Wesley Martin Administration (4004 Moulton St.)
  • Please RSVP by May 17 by filling out this Google Form:


Our meeting will loosely follow our last regularly called board meeting, to expand and answer questions you may have.  We have a small amount of time to discuss other items that you have questions about, but we just reserve the right to get back with you, if we don't have the answer or not at liberty to address at the time of the question (like personnel and/or legal).  We will also take this opportunity to update you on projects and/or initiatives GISD is working on.


We hope you will join us!