• JOIN DI! Sign Ups for 24-25 Season have begun!

    We are excited to start sign ups for the 24-25 season of DI! If you are interested in being part of a team for the next school year, please fill out the Google Form: https://forms.gle/X4vesqg6VaRZQsNMA. We cannot wait to see what challenges next year brings and we want YOU to join us!

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DI Program Overview

  • Greenville ISD Destination Imagination serves students in grades K-12 from Bowie, Carver, Crockett, Lamar, STEM, Travis, GMS, and GHS.

    Destination Imagination offers:

    • 7 competitive challenges
    • 1 early learning challenge
    • Instant challenge

    Teams of up to 7 members work for months to create innovative stories, props, costumes and technology. Greenville participates in the following challenges: rising stars, technical, engineering, scientific, fine arts, improv, and service learning. Team members must work together to create a solution, manage money and time, take risks, fail and try again. Destination Imagination is the ultimate example of multidisciplinary, project-based learning.


    When is it?

    Destination Imagination lasts throughout the school year. Challenges are released to participants in late August, which allows the students to begin thinking and working on solving their challenge.


    Who can do DI?

    Greenville Destination Imagination is for any student in grades K-12.

DI Program Co-Coordinators

  • Shawnna Kelsey



    I began working with DI at GISD in 2010. I’ve taught many grade levels over the years, and have managed a variety of teams and challenges, allowing me to better help our teams and team managers. Currently, I serve as a team manager, Dual Language First grade teacher, district co-coordinator, and a regional director for the East Region.

     John Hill


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